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Best place to buy Korean hair accessories

About Us

Welcome to VeryShine 

We are South Korea based hair accessory seller and exporter with our own style and design. We collaborate with experience craftsmen and talented designers in this field. 

We sell our products to directly to the individual customers  and businesses such as online sellers, boutique shops, gift shops, and chain stores. 

It shines when you wear....   that is all about VeryShine. Some metaphorical meaning for nice style items to make yourself outstanding by our own expression. 

We ship our products worldwide and our main goal is to be the best hair accessory provider as well as fashion item seller for our customers all over the world. We endeavor to give very positive impression on our hair accessory lines from our customer for the first stage of our mission. 


Main customers come from United States,UK,Australia,Canada,and Europe countries.  There are increasing demands on our products  from business owners all over the world. 

Our first priority is full customer satisfaction.

Whatever we sell, we want to be fully trusted seller by our customers.  

VeryShine wants to be your reliable and trusted hair accessory specialty seller and be the good business partner. 

We will keep working on to satisfy your needs and deliver the joy of shopping. 

Thank you