Dieses modische Stirnband ist in dieser Saison ein Must-Have! Es ist ein trendiges Accessoire, das zu jedem Outfit getragen werden kann, um einen Look abzurunden. Karierter Wollstoff sorgt für einen bequemen und warmen Look. Es ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, Ihre Haare unterwegs aus dem Gesicht zu halten. Geeignet für jeden Anlass, können Sie dieses einfache Accessoire zur Arbeit, zur Schule und zum Ausgehen tragen.
mit Wolle gepolstertes Stirnband
Stirnband mit kariertem Karomuster
leicht gepolstert
sehr schönes Herbst- und Wintermode-Stirnband
Höhe des Stirnbandes: 1,77" = 4,5 cm
Sie können die meisten Produkte im Etsy-Shop von VeryShine unter kaufen
We accept all major credit cards,debit cards and Paypal.
Debit card with Visa logo
Shipping Info
We ship worldwide from South Korea.
if your address is other than U.S., you should choose the shipping method based on the number of items.
if you buy 1 item, choose 1 item for standard international shipping or 1 item for economic shipping.
if you buy 2 items, choose 2 items for standard international shipping or 2 items for economic shipping.
Average delivery duraions are as follows:
Korea: 1~2 working days
USA: 7~9 working days
China: 3~6 working days
Canada 6~15 days
Europe,UK,Germany,and Frence: 6~15 days
Australia,New Zealand: 6~15 days
Israel,Middle East: 15~20 days
Asia: 6~12 days
Countries with an ecnomic shipping method with a registered number
it will take 12~24 working days. no fixed shipping duration and the actual shipping duration will vary up to each customs and local delivery conditions.
VeryShine does not collect taxes and duties.
Import duties,taxes are not included on product price and shipping fee.
Please understand that some countries charge customs duties and taxes on your package.
Check your local Customs office about how much the rate is
Shipping cost will be deducted for the package for the returned package due to unpaid taxes and duties
VeryShine can not guarantee the shipping duration and is not responsible for the days due to Customs and regional shipping conditons
Return and Exchange
Please contact us via e-mail if you have a problem with the product
We will try to do my best before it goes to Case
In case of a return, please return the product within 14 days after you have received the product
The buyer has to pay a shipping fee if it is not by seller's fault.
As soon as the product is returned here, We will refund moeny.
Enjoy nice shopping !!!
Thank you
New shipping methods added
Standard internatinoal shipping and Economic international shipping with a registered number.
Standardi internatinoal shipping : take 6 days ~15 days from the shippping date. no guarantee for the shipping duartion but faster than economic internatinoa shipping.
Countries : Australia, U.K.,France, Germany, Canada, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia,New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan,Thailand, and Vietnam.
Econimic international shipping with a registered number added for the below countries.
- it takes 12~24 working days to receivethe package from the shiipping date.
- shipped with a registered number
- no guarantee for the shipping duration but trust average shipping duraton
Coutries with Econmic shipping with a registered number (12~24 days)
Greece, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Mexico,Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Austria, Israel, Italy, Indonesia,Qatar, Portugal, Poland, Hungary
Enjoy Shopping !!